Customized Business Calendar
Customize your business’s calendar to:
Promote your products and services
Establish a good image of your business
Maintain customer relationship in a cost-effective manner
Help your business with Four plans available:
Platinum, Golden, Silver plans and cuprum Plan
Size: (11+3) x 8.5 inch
Ad Size: Full Size
Pre-order Wall Calendar
- CT: 580×880
- CMx: 560×880 CM:530x860CL:290×650
- CB: 500×700 CS:380×700
- 4K: 400×540 CH:420×620
- CLL:380×88
Pre-order Desk Calendar
DCY: 200x185mm DCHL: 200×180 mm
DCH: 150×235 mm DCS: 210×200 mm
DCLS: 210×230 mm DL: 175x230mm
Pre-order Hang Calendar A/ B/ C/ D
A: 370×680 MM B: 375×680 MM
C: 380×755 MM D: 420x760MM
E: 420x790MM F:380x880MM
Pre-order Jade Calendar
Large (Yu-LB/LG) Size: 590 x 340 mm /AD: 260 x 50 mm
Middle (Yu-BB/BG) Size: 550 x 320 mm /AD: 270 x 55 mm
Small (Yu-BB/BG) Size: 520 x 300 mm /AD: 260 x 45 mm